MLP S4E13: “Simple Ways”
We-uh huh-ope yew luhve this ehpisohde as muhch as we-uh di-yuhd!
Rarity has the honor of planning the Ponyville Days festival. So of course she Rarity’s it up by falling for a super creepy jerk pony that wears argyle and raves about “authenticity” (barf). But that’s nothing compared to the fit Rarity is about to throw when Applejack decides to pretty herself up. Get ready for a hoot-en-nanny as we watch Rarity lose her dadgum mind this week!
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Intro and outro music is "Madgapuff March (rmx) by JS Bach" by Lee Rosevere. Licensed under a CCO 1.0 Universal License. For the song and information about the artist, visit the song page at the Free Music Archive.