Chapter 104: "The Serpent Queen's Gambit"

Chapter 104: "The Serpent Queen's Gambit"

“Quality television.”


CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of gangs, gang stereotypes, racism, indigenous genocide, racist policing, police raids, child endangerment, immolation, gang warfare, street fighting, arrests, possession, witchcraft, kidnapping, poisoning, attempted murder, custody battles.

For a brief moment, we thought this show might be so bad it’s good. Riverdale had stumbled into a truly weird and wonderful storyline, making a superhero show out of nothing by sheer force of will and determined wild writing choices. But, alas, this week’s episode was just as cringeworthy as its teaser suggested. Our town super-mutants are fun as heck and together solving another mystery. But once again, Toni has to be made into the sole representative for racial tensions in Riverdale, and it’s done with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. There were a lot of great opportunities to tell an interesting story this week, but our writers appear to have completely missed that mark. Strap in for a bumpy ride as we discuss “Chapter 104: The Serpent Queen’s Gambit” this week on The Doghouse.

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Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.

Chapter 105: "Folk Heroes"

Chapter 105: "Folk Heroes"

Chapter 103: "The Town"

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