90'S GRAB BAG: Cruel Intentions (1999)
“Eat me, Sebastian.”
CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of manipulation, teen sex, drug use, homophobia and homophobic slurs, slut-shaming.
We’re wrapping up our 90’s series with a bang of a whimper that, being a teen sex drama, Maud had definitely seen and Macintosh had not. And do we wish we had not, because this is an outright terrible movie. Influence notwithstanding, this is the epitome of shock for shock’s sake, and making a literary classic into utter garbage. It’s hard to find any redemption in this movie, other than a supremely talented cast that somehow barely overcomes a terrible script and even worse directing to at least give the semblance of a movie. Make sure to keep your cross filled with cocaine as we end our 90’s Grab Bag series with Cruel Intentions, this week on Macintosh & Maud Haven’t Seen What?!
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Intro music taken from the Second Movement of Ludwig von Beethoven's 9th Symphony. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Hong Kong (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 HK) license. To hear the full performance or get more information, visit the song page at the Internet Archive..
Excerpts taken from “Bitter Sweet Symphony,” written by Richard Ashcroft, Keith Richards, and Mick Jagger and performed by The Verve. Copyright 1997 VC Records Ltd.
Excerpts taken from the film Cruel Intentions are © 1999 Cruel Productions, LLC.
Excerpt taken from the film Sunset Blvd. is © 1950 by Paramount Pictures; Renewed 1978. All Rights Reserved. TM & 2008 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.