Chapter 101: "Unbelievable"

Chapter 101: "Unbelievable"

Chapter 101: "Unbelievable"
The Doghouse: A Riverdale Podcast

Yes…ha ha ha, YES!


CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of child endangerment, gang warfare, gangs, explosions, bombs, deafness, hearing loss, trauma, murder, murder-for-hire, grief, heart attacks, witchcraft, possession, serial killers, assault, blood.

To be perfectly honest, we weren’t thrilled to have Riverdale back. We just got done with a weird mini-event and a lot of unanswered questions from Season 5. What we got, though, was the most wheels-off, absolutely wild season premiere we’ve seen in ages, and that’s saying something. Archie and Betty got superpowers from getting blown up, Cheryl’s dealing with witchcraft and her Nana’s meddling, Toni and Fangs are about to have a gang war, and Veronica puts out a hit on Hiram. In fact, the least eventful thing about this episode, is Jughead, whose hearing loss is dealt with pretty honestly and forthright - for now. If this is how they want to approach this season, we are all for it. We’re full dark no stars with “Chapter 101: Unbelievable” this week on The Doghouse.

You can email us with feedback at, or you can connect with us on Instagram (macintosh.and.maud) and Facebook. Also please subscribe, rate and review the show on your favorite podcatcher, and tell your friends.

Interstitial music taken from "Make Up" from the compilation album Kamelot by Distortions. Licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license. To hear the song or get more information about the artist, visit the song page at Jamendo.

Chapter 102: "Death at a Funeral"

Chapter 102: "Death at a Funeral"

Chapter 100: "The Jughead Paradox"

Chapter 100: "The Jughead Paradox"